How long should you go without an oil change?

May 5th, 2023 by

Wondering how long you can go without an oil change? Vehicles can generally go 5,000 up to 7,000 miles between oil changes. If your vehicle uses synthetic oil, you can drive upward of 10,000 to 15,000 miles in between changes. To learn more about oil changes, continue reading or skip to scheduling your next oil change on our website.

Checking of the oil dipstick

When to get an oil change

Over the years engine technology has improved greatly. That improvement changed the rate of miles you have to change your oil. Before that improvement, you could expect to go 3,000 miles between oil changes. Now you can expect to drive 5,000 to 7,000 miles. However, these are just the general perimeters to know the exact oil change interval check the owner’s manual of your vehicle.


Reasons you may need an oil change sooner

Although there’s a generic range between oil changes, some instances could cause you to change it sooner. Some examples of this would include traveling in stop-and-go traffic, frequent short trips in hot or freezing temperatures, driving on dirt roads that may be gravelly or dusty, and lastly towing or hauling heavy equipment.


Warning signs that an oil change could be needed

The change in color/ consistency of your oil- Engine oil is typically clear but amber in color. As the oil runs through the engine it can turn black and gritty. To check this remove the oil dipstick. If you can’t see the dipstick through the oil its time for an oil change.

The smell of burning oil – If you smell this smell it usually indicates you could have an oil leak so its best to get it checked out and changed.

A knocking sound from the engine- The purpose of oil is to prevent the moving parts of the engine from grinding together. When the engine parts aren’t properly lubricated it will start making a loud sound. To prevent your engine from damage or overheating we recommend getting it checked out and oil changed.


Schedule your next oil change

Was this a reminder for you to schedule your next oil change? You bet! Schedule today and our certified technicians will take care of things right away! You can schedule online or give us a call to schedule your appointment.